Thursday, January 10, 2008

Shop Class For Dummies

In school I get great grades and I have made on Honor Roll every quarter for over two years, although, Shop is not one of my best subjects. In sixth grade, I attempted to make a "can crusher"[which is practically pointless when you have a dog like Dozer to do it for you] and the wooden assembly pieces have been laid to rest in the back corner of my closet. In seventh grade, I tried making a wooden race car... and almost made it! All I needed was to attach the wheels ,and as I was nearing the finish line of completion, my car came across a serious "road block" in the form of a non-protective backpack. Thus: broken.

Discouraged, I was not looking forward to this year's quarter of girl punishment. Then, a few weeks into the quarter, our Tech. Ed. teacher told us what we would be working on: a gumball machine lamp. Now most people wouldn't even bother working a gumball machine into a lamp, but after all, we aren't most people.

We organized the classroom's unwilling recruits to form an assembly line for all of the wood works. Sanding, staining, polishing, drilling, routing, checking, gluing, screwing[not the sick kind, either], and other crap I hate. Luckily for me, the manly guys in my hour excitedly helped me through it. But sure enough, here I am with a B-E-A-U-TIFUL finished project.
All's well that ends well.
See ya,

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About Me

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I live in an awesome house, I'm in 8th grade at a small town middle school, I love watching our small town Varsity basketball games, football games, and hockey games, AND I want to pursue my life in the path of music, whether that's directing, playing, singing, or teaching.