Thursday, February 7, 2008

Totally Awesome Health Post

Hey- I know this is my first post in awhile [and I'm sorry!], but heck I've been busy beyond belief!

My Schedule:

Monday: School

Tuesday: Jazz band, School

Wednesday: School, Forensics practice after school, Confirmation

Thursday: Jazz Band, School, Guitar Lessons

Friday: School, Various plan with friends

Saturday: The occasional movie with boyfriend/parental units if I can fit them in somewhere

Sunday: Church, then homework crammed in at 8:30 pm

See? I told you. Pretttty busy, so don't even attempt to give me a hard time. I'm extremely lethal. But anyways, this quarter of enslavement school I'm in Health.

Go ahead, laugh, because what you're probably thinking of is Sex Ed. But it's not only about that. It's also about physical, mental, and social health. In our "Totally Awesome Health Book", [honest to God, that's the name of it] you could turn to literally ANY page in it, and feel the sudden urge to burn the book because it is SO depressing. I know the schoolwork is trying to prepare us for the "outside world", but come on... Rape? Anxiety? Eating Disorders? Meth? Suicide? And it really doesn't contribute to the students' side when the health teacher is constantly bouncing-off-the-walls, and drinking so much caffeine we think he needs to be diagnosed with ADD. I'm not saying he's a bad teacher, he's great. It's just that he needs to mellow out a little... take it down a few notches, if ya know what I mean. And THAT, my friends, is why I am a proud representative of the NCFA program.

[That's No Caffeine For Adults for those of you who have a habit of skipping an entire paragraph of what you're reading on accident]

Well, if you'll excuse me I have a date with a huge American History project. But I imagine that it sounds like more fun than what you're doing right now at work. Am I right?

Thought so.

1 comment:

Fumiko Dream! said...

Hey I think that is really cool. About your dad. I'll look him up after. You seem to really love school. I do to but a lot a people at my school don't like me because they think that sense I have money I have to be snobby. Which isn't true. I have never been snobby or mean in my whole life. Well I keep checking back to see if you wrote anymore. Hope to hear from you!

About Me

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I live in an awesome house, I'm in 8th grade at a small town middle school, I love watching our small town Varsity basketball games, football games, and hockey games, AND I want to pursue my life in the path of music, whether that's directing, playing, singing, or teaching.