Saturday, May 10, 2008

Christmaso Concerto Maximumo

This is my 8th grade Christmas concert, with me playing Hey Jude with a couple of solos thrown in here and there. Remember awhile ago when I first talked about this concert? I believe it was my first post. [You don't believe me, eh? Check it!] My wonderful male parental unit finally uploaded this song to Youtube, under "Hey Jude by New Richmond Jazz Band". Feel free to comment it anytime. No pressure.

And who can forget the BLOW? Here we go.

  1. I have always thought that it's too bad you can't buy a voodoo globe so that you could make the earth spin real fast and freak everybody out.
  2. If a kid asks where rain comes from, I think what you should tell him is "God is crying." And if he asks why God is crying, then what you should say is, "Probably because of something you did."
  3. If you're in a boxing match, try not to let the other guy's glove touch your lips, because you don't know where that glove has been.

[I don't usually have a fourth BLOW, and it isn't exactly a Blog Line of Wisdom, but this one just strikes me as funny.]

4. You know what would make a good story? Something about a clown who make people happy, but inside he's real sad. Also, he has severe diarrhea.

I will be posting two new blogs about my top 5 movies in various categories, and my 8th grade Semi-formal dance. [Just so all of you are updated on my personal life.]

Forever Yours,


About Me

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I live in an awesome house, I'm in 8th grade at a small town middle school, I love watching our small town Varsity basketball games, football games, and hockey games, AND I want to pursue my life in the path of music, whether that's directing, playing, singing, or teaching.